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Responses from the API use HTTP response codes are used to indicate general classes of success and error. Error responses contain more detail about the error in the response body, in the "code" and "message" properties.


HTTP  Status Code"code"Description
The request body could not be  decoded as JSON.
400"invalid_request_url"The request URL is not valid.
This request is not supported.
400"validation_error"The request body does not match  the schema for the expected parameters. Check the 
 property for more details.
400"missing_version"The  request is missing the required Notion-Version header.  See Versioning.
401"object_not_found"Given the bearer token used, the resource does not exist. This error can also indicate that the resource has not been shared with owner of the bearer token.
403"restricted_resource"Given the bearer token used, the  client doesn't have permission to perform this operation.
404"object_not_found"Given the bearer token used, the  resource does not exist. This error can also indicate that the resource has  not been shared with owner of the bearer token.
409"conflict_error"The transaction could not be  completed, potentially due to a data collision. Make sure the parameters are  up to date and try again.
429"rate_limited"This request exceeds the number of requests allowed. Slow down  and try again. More details on rate limits
500"internal_server_error"An unexpected error occurred. Reach out to Notion support.
503"service_unavailable"Notion is unavailable. Try again  later. This can occur when the time to respond to a request takes longer than  60 seconds, the maximum request timeout.
503"database_connection_unavailable"Notion's database is unavailable  or in an unqueryable state. Try again later.




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  • 问:Notion出现错误状态码怎么办?